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The DGA Roadshow 2021

New Hydrogen Taskforce report explains the role of hydrogen in meeting net zero

New Hydrogen Taskforce report explains the role of hydrogen in meeting net zero cover image

The Hydrogen Taskforce, a cross-industry coalition of organisations promoting the role of hydrogen in decarbonisation, has released a new report charting the role hydrogen can play in meeting the Government's 2050 net zero target.

The report details the growing potential to deploy hydrogen at scale and the early results of projects already showing that hydrogen will be essential in the deep decarbonisation of industry and energy. But the report also stresses the importance of action now if the UK is to meet the ambitious target of net zero emissions in thirty years time:

"If the UK is going to meet net zero and capitalise on the economic growth opportunities presented by domestic and global markets for hydrogen solutions and expertise, it is critical that the 2020s deliver a step change in hydrogen activity, building on the unique strengths and expertise developed during early stage technology development."

The report is an essential read for those interested in the role hydrogen can play and the policy challenges to overcome in realising it. The full report can be read here.